- Chip Conley: Measuring What Makes Life Worthwhile
- Bhutan's former king, Jigme Singye Wangchuck (GNH Movement)
- create the conditions for Happiness, a habitat for Happiness
- 4 essential pillars
- 9 key indicators
- 72 different metrics
- "How do you feel how you spend your time each day?" Time is one of the scarcest resources in the modern world.
- "The real enjoyment of living" (1954) by Rabbi Hyman Schachtel
- Happiness is not about wanting to have what you want. Instead, being happy with what you have.
- The Happiness "Emotional Equation" - HAPPINESS = wanting what you have (imagine gratitude) / having what you want (gratification)
- The Bhutanese aren't on an aspirational treadmill, constantly focused on something they don't have. Their religion, their isolation, their deep respect for their culture and their principles for their GNH movement all have fostered a sense of gratitude
- How many spends in the bottom half of the equation? In the denominator? In Western cultures, there is always the pursuit of happiness
- Bhutan, new currency of well-being
- Robert Kennedy 19th century speech, quoted by Cameron UK prime minister:
- GDP: air pollution, cigarette advertising, ambulances to clear highways of carnage(?), destruction of woods, locks for our doors, loss of natural wonder, nuclear warheads, armored police cars to fight riots, TV programs; doesn't count, health of our children, integrity of politicians, joy of children's play, beauty of our poetry, strength of our marriages, intelligence of our public debate, wit, courage, wisdom, learning, compassion, devotion to our country.
- "GDP measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile."
- census, we're not asking intangible, meaningful metrics, important questions
- "If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail." We've been fooled by our tool. GDP has been our hammer and our nail is 19th - 20th century industrial-era model of success. 64% service; 36% intangible industry, manufacturing, agriculture
- Economists measure everything in tangible units of production & consumption, as if each of those tangible units is exactly the same. They're not. In fact, as leaders, what we need to learn is that we can actually influence the quality of that unit of production by actually creating the conditions for our employees to live their calling.
- Repeat costumer by the relationship the employees have created to the costumer. "He can count on them to make them feel at home"
- we don't need to choose between size-able profits and inspired employees, we can have both.
- Inspired > follows size-able profits
nov 20 2010 ∞
nov 20 2010 +