• Technology First. Like the colored pencil example, Technology First starts by selecting a very specific medium for communication, then creatively exploits its full potential.
  • Benefits
    • powerful informational framework for ideas to emerge
    • more efficient ideation
    • faster implementation times
    • better campaigns
  • Very Specific. Instead of "How can we use technology to reach this brand’s objectives?" Use "How can we use the technology behind Facebook’s ‘Like’ function to reach this brand’s objectives?”
  • Technology First Mindset
    • Enable creative thinking by embracing arbitrary constraints. What if your idea only worked between 2:13 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. each day? What if your mobile app could only show one sentence and one button at a time? “You’re basically saying, look, you’ve got text, links, and 140 characters,” says Will. “What can we do with that? It’s normally a lot more than you think.”
    • Put emotional adjectives in front of specific technologies. What does a sad tweet, ecstatic check-in, or head-over-heels text message look like? How does it work? This exercise can loosen up your team and get the creativity flowing.
    • Pick an everyday interaction and internet-enable it. What if the door knob to your conference room had a Tumblr? What would it do? What would it say?
jun 6 2013 ∞
aug 20 2013 +