- HA ELS of park at noon. There is no human activity visible. Ambient noise: Park environment (Fade in, continuous.)
- LS of swing set. Swings move gently in the breeze. CLOWN enters frame R in LS, on tiptoe. He moves towards camera until he is in MS. Clown looks to his left, then to his right, and smirks.
- CU of Clown as he looks down. Tilt D to reveal his hand reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a small toy car, cradles it in his hand.
- Worm’s eye view of cement pavement with weeds. Clown’s hand enter frame from above in CU. He sets toy car down on ground. Hand exits frame U. After a beat, car springs to life and zips off, exiting frame L.
- CU of clown as he looks offscreen L at the car. He smiles to himself and exits frame R. Ambient noise: Fade under and out.
- LS of suburban house. It’s dusk, and the lights are on. Ambient noise: Crickets, breeze (Fade in, continuous)
nov 3 2011 ∞
nov 3 2011 +