• I bite my fingernails when I'm nervous. Sometimes I even chew the skin on my fingers when I'm really nervous...it's disgusting.
  • It takes me forever to get around to clipping my toenails, so I let them grow out until they're super long and ingrown. Only when I am in absolute pain do I remember to trim them.
  • I have a steel bladder, and I probably don't use the bathroom as much as I should...whatever, it comes in handy!
  • I often go for days without showering, especially during the summer. It's really not so bad - extra deodorant, a dash of dry shampoo, and I'm good for a week! (This is only acceptable while wearing long pants or maxi dresses.)
  • I'm really bad about brushing my teeth. I mean, it's nothing out of hand. I go to the dentist regularly, I'm mad about at-home whitening...I just always seem to forget to brush at night!
    • Oh, and I've flossed maybe two times in my life. I'm just freaked out about pulling string in between my teeth, ick!
  • Sometimes I snort when I laugh really hard...it's pretty sexy.
jul 3 2010 ∞
aug 21 2010 +