curso excel básico e intermediário

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sep 4 2021 ∞
apr 22 2022 +

skin pale as new-fallen snow, hair as dark as a raven's secret heart, and lips as red as spilled blood.

mar 18 2020 ∞
mar 18 2020 +

— mellifluous (adj.): (of a sound) pleasingly smooth and musical to hear."her low mellifluous voice".

— synecdoche (n.): a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part.

— crosscurent (n.): a conflicting tendency.

— nodus tollens (n.): the realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore.

— fosfenos (sub. m): as luzes, estrelas e formas que você vê quando esfrega os olhos.

— game changer (noun): a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way

aug 13 2020 ∞
may 10 2021 +