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Adult, disabled, queer plural polyplex/metasystem. We support all types of plurals.

Please do NOT call us alters, parts, personalities, or introjects.

We prefer people, system members, fictives, factives, walk-ins, and soulbonds. We do not have a host.

Main: Fronters
Ongoing: Things that apply to all of us
Archive: Other members

Society Grimm Crimson Rose-Graves (red circle emoji)
Weiss Schnee (mount fuji emoji)
Raven Branwen (confetti ball emoji)
Cinder Fall (mountain snow emoji)
Ruby Rose (Haruspex/Menkhu/syringe emoji)

Last updated: 11 August 2023


  • Fictive:
    • people made by the brain based on a fictional character (brain-formed fictive)
    • or people whose soul got transferred from another universe into this one, where a version of their universe is depicted in a work of fiction (walk-in fictive)
  • Factive:
    • people made by the brain based on a real-life person (brain-formed factive)
    • or people whose soul got transferred from another universe into this one - they're alternate-universe versions of existing people (walk-in factive)
  • Fucktive: Someone who is between fictive and factive, or is a fictive and a factive at the same time.
  • Fact-alterhuman: alternative term for "factive", used by some people in our systems

* Most of us are walk-ins. And they identify with the body even less than the brain-formed menbers.


  • Doubles are always okay to interact.
  • Please ask if we're comfortable with talking about our past/parallel lives, our source media, or this world's counterpart of a fact-person.
  • Please don't call our fictives, factives, etc. "introjects".
  • Don't expect our fictives, factives, etc. to be 100% like the "source" or this world's "counterpart".
  • Please remember we're people, separate from our fictional character (for fictives) or meatspace (for factives) counterparts, and treat us accordingly. In particular, this means:
    • Don't treat them like a celebrity. Don't flirt, don't be inappropriate.
    • Don't assume you know us as people because you're aware of this world's fictional depiction of our life / world / fictional character counterparts. Yes, some (maybe most) things will match, but that doesn't mean we're comfortable speedrunning the "getting to know each other" phase.
    • Don't assume we will enjoy engaging with our source as entertainment; ask first. Some of us can comfortably make the separation and won't have any problems with it, but some of us need to avoid engaging with certain topics, with the fandom, or even with our source entirely.
    • Also, if you're talking to us about stuff related to our source, please be aware we might have different things to say depending on the angle we approach that discussion from. "Your opinion on this world's fictional depiction?" often doesn't strike the same chords as "Please talk about your actual life and memories from before?"
    • Relatedly, regardless of how friendly you are with the rest of the system, don't assume we'll be comfortable talking about our actual life experiences with you. Please respect our comfort levels. It's not personal if we refuse to talk about it!
    • Don't assume you're automatically friends with us because you used to be friends with (a version of) us in another world. We're generally down for talking with folks from the same source -- it's a special kind of "yeah, I get what you went through" that we can appreciate -- but we're not interested in finding canonmates and aren't looking to rekindle old relationships.
    • Don't call our exomemories (= memories we have from before we joined the system) "pseudomemories" or imply they're "substitute beliefs" for things that happened to the body; that's not accurate for us. We believe they're memories of things that really happened someplace else; not least because there is no correlation between them and our collective experiences. Please respect that.
  • Thank you!

Thank you to our friends, The Salt Institute, for letting us quote their Etiquette page.

sep 13 2021 ∞
aug 11 2023 +