me in uquiz results:

person reading a book on the train hot

  • you're totally their type. well, you're not. but that's what the passenger across from you is thinking as you sit there, completely oblivious. you're mysterious, and serene, and look so natural sitting there on the train they think your feet might be bolted to the floor the way the chairs and safety rails are. you're in your own world, you're reading something with an intriguing title, and without even knowing it passengers are praying for some reason that you'll look up and ask for their number. you don't, of course. and they don't ask for yours, either. how could they disturb such a peaceful moment? but despite the fact that nothing was said, they managed to fall in love with you for 15 minutes. for the rest of the day they think about what your voice might've sounded like, what your interests might've been, how you might've smiled at them like they were your whole world if they'd managed to make you feel that way. you have that effect on people, in case you didn't know.

a pile of unused notebooks.

  • veryone tells you you're gifted, smart. the pressure of it hurts. its like when people tell you, "you would be a ravenclaw." and thats what you'll always think of yourself as. its okay to be something else. you don't have to fit their expectations. in the end, you'll look back and think; "im glad i stopped.." you feel as though no one will truly understand. your thoughts tend to spiral and spiral. take a deep breath. write that thought in your head. those fantasy books you read as a child? "you're so smart!" "wow they can read at such a young age!" rather, you used them to escape. escape what? your parents? your "friends"? you're so angry at them. but time passes and you think "maybe its not that bad" "maybe i was overreacting" but something happens and you get mad again. its just a cycle you cannot escape. advice? rather than adjusting your personality to accommodate the world, change the world, for people like you.


  • felled oak, brass, sunken ships, olive pits, graphic shirts, splinters, dark rooms. your essence is hickory: your intensity brews beneath your sensitive and melancholy exterior. you lose yourself in the ideal of how things should be rather than how they are; reality seems to disappoint you. you craft together your identity out of pieces of others' that have inspired you. you are the cobbler. you are the shaper. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of chiffon, ashen, umber, and noir, who share your aspirations of a better future. you are also drawn to the vibrant amethyst and bronze, who will help you grow and learn to appreciate your own happiness. however, you may struggle to get along with the aggressive personalities of indigo and garnet who are stubborn about their own perspectives.

agriculture and the home

  • generous and nurturing, you represent and protect the home and family. those who pray to you are often blessed with calm and happy lives and a bountiful harvest. celebrations and festivals are held every fall in your honor and a candle burns for you through the winter, hoping no one goes hungry during the harsher months.

you need new parents

  • You didn't deserve what happened to you as a kid. You didn't deserve that. It's not your fault, the people who were meant to protect you ended up being the ones doing the damage. It was not your fault that they treated you like that, you were just a kid. I'm so sorry and I love you <3
jan 26 2024 ∞
jan 27 2024 +