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* lots of the basic dni stuff ive found doesn't include everything, so heres a list i made compiling all of the stuff that i think is commonly placed on those dni lists
* i know some things aren't very "basic" but lots of these are still common
* this also includes people who either support, are neutral about, or believe these things are "opinions"
* feel free to use this if you want

listography GIVE MEMORIES
  • abuser x victim/bully x victim or just extremely unhealthy relationships in general
  • mentor/parental figure/teacher x student/the person who considers the other person a parental figure(?? idk what thats called)
  • any ship between characters that consider each other siblings (even if they aren't related) (kind of depends, but you get the point)
  • sexualize minors (including any person in a child body, whether that be due to some sort of possession situation or some sort of immortality thing)
  • character in a child body x adult/character much older than them
mar 8 2023 ∞
mar 11 2023 +