• that one song that describes your life perfectly
  • a guy always looks hotter in a white v-neck tee
  • guys look 10x hotter when they're dressed up and their hair is actually combed
  • when a guy holds the door open for you
  • why do all these girls in movies have two guys fighting over them when i can't even get one?
  • starting to fall asleep on the couch, then you go to your room and you can't sleep.
  • when you discover that your crush is in a relationship with someone else
  • guys with australian accents ((swoon))
  • trying to put your hoodie on without messing up your hair and failing miserably
  • when you don't know how to say goodbye to things you love
  • not shaving your legs because you know you're wearing long pants
  • boys with dimples
  • when unattractive guys look at your cleavage
  • finding random bobby pins all over your room
  • when you pick your favorite athlete by how good he looks
  • scooping your boobs out of your bra to make them look bigger
  • wanting to keep sleeping, but you reallllyyy have to pee
  • sitting with a miniskirt on and trying not to show your underwear
  • i wear yoga pants, but i've never actually done yoga...
  • when i put my hair up while looking in the mirror, it looks like crap. when i put my hair up randomly without a mirror, it looks amazing
  • thinking of names for children when you're years away from having any
  • wearing sweats all weekend when you don't go out
  • when the wrong guy likes you
  • when you wake up from a good dream and you try so hard to remember all the details, but then five minutes later you can't remember any of it
  • i'm not quiet or shy, i just keep what i'm thinking to myself
  • when you get a random song in your head and you're just like "where the heck did that come from?"
  • just having a simple crush and it turns into a big deal
  • when you look really good, but the guy you like isn't around to see it
  • when you walk into a crowded room and everyone stares at you like it's their mission to make you extremely uncomfortable
oct 17 2011 ∞
nov 4 2011 +