- My managerial accounting professor looks EXACTLY how you'd picture a 40-year-old accountant.
- He also doesn't remember names and faces well, so he took our pictures the first class. Um what?
- It takes 12 minutes (via the "nature walk" to get from G tower to the Business School.
- + 5 if stopping for coffee in RoMo's or Hale.
- I adore my public speaking prof so far.
- He wore jeans today! WIN.
- And we were only in class discussing the syllabus for...12 minutes.
- He doesn't give anything less than a C unless you don't show up or do your work. Then you fail.
- Ethics will probably, most likely suck.
- Lots of reading - we're reading the 700+ page book almost in its entirety.
- But I love Fazio. I had him for A&R last fall.
- Micro. Micro. Micro. Sweetest little Chinese prof THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND.
- Either I got better at understanding Asian accents over the summer or she's been in America way longer than my last Chinese prof.
- Not a fan of the fact that nearly everyone in there I've never seen before. Or the weirdly creepy guy who sat next to me and attempted to amuse me (poorly) today.
- I really wish I was in the class before.
aug 27 2012 ∞
aug 27 2012 +