- Summerly Camping Trips
- Gingerbread Houses
- The Zoo/Wild Animal Park
- Bake Cookies
- Read Stories at Night
- Beach Trips
- S'mores
- Kids Pick Dinner Nights
- Parks
- National Parks
- Disneyland
- Knott's
- Road Trip
- Pow Wows
- Pumpkin Carving
- Decorate Easter Eggs
- Game night
- Sunday dinners
- Movie nights
- Tea Parties (with the girls)
- Sing to them
- Makeover days (with the girls (nail polish, blush, lipstick, etc))
- Backyard campouts
- Sheet forts
- Library trips
- Trips to the zoo and aquariums
- Visit the Grandparents (weekly to tri-annually depending on distance)
- Cross country road trip
- By them a pet for their birthday (dogs, fish, birds, rabbits, snakes, etc...anything but cats)
- Family Garden
oct 21 2009 ∞
may 18 2011 +