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"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one!"
-C.S. Lewis

oh Hai! i haz founded passwurd to edith the text! Love SLOTH

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  • you need to watch the simpsons and go on a rollercoaster. maybe not at the same time, though.
  • you look like a bat.
  • you are a cool page!
  • you are sesame girl today!
  • wow, you really do have a koala complex.
  • no nightmares. lots of goodmares.
  • i want to help you in this battle *puts hedgy paw over heart*
  • she sucks for life. i bet even her goldfish hates her.
  • (giving advice about meds)say you feel really sick or something. and/or that you are starting to grow a beard, without them.
  • monkeys are hard to come by nowadays.
  • prose, my dear.
  • me is good and you is good. the end.
  • we matchies like samesies.
  • i don't know how to do it. but i glow in the dark.
  • they are eating icky sludge.
  • we should make our own DSMV (or whatever the psychiatric official book is called) conditions and labels. we could have splat and "frazzled by life" and stuffs.
  • do you have any songs from 'woo'? omfg woo!!
  • it's a little dark for his small brain.
  • i am PRINTING THE PUG!! DODODODO!! *dances*
  • (in response to RP's "pfft!") back at you with double the spit!
  • ourhog and herhog could date.
  • besides, we have hedgefunds.
  • WHOT?!
  • it makes me feel like i have a pea-brain but in an okay way because i know your brain is abormally rememberinger
  • (about RP's hair) is there a little louse in there that's like a mini edward scissorhands?
  • it isn't colorful, which makes me sad in the face.
  • it's a 100x100 pixel night, mostly.
  • lalala. i'm in a weird mood.
  • i got overwhelmed with the pronouns last night
  • hi pushead and jeero and chuckanucka or however your name is!
  • that's why she's getting headaches. what a silly little bunny foofoo
  • when i saw those uglydolls downtown i almost burst into flames with RP-longing.
  • (in bunny's voice) i heard you're famous! and some of you are slow and pointy but that's ok cause i'm not perfect either.
  • *hugs your teeth*
  • hedgehoggi-skillz.
  • i should mail you some cats.
  • mutual slothiness!
  • what is that robot-looking white thing by your lamp?
  • awesome yay triple woooooooooot!
  • it will be pandemonium with a side of hedgehog
  • i love you glomppier!
  • (about hedgehogs) they're pokey, so they're hard to ignore.
  • it's hard for me to e-cosset you. like i can't paint your toenails online
  • i think about that sloth straightening the line on the road a lot.
  • i dreamt about terrorists. my mom said terrorists are cold and need us to make them blankets. canadians are supposed to be giving.
  • she told me picasso's actually been dead for a while.
  • you wind it up and it goes fllllllllllllltttttttt
  • hedgehog pointies!
  • i'm a hedgehog who lives on your shoulder and can reach your ear
  • she thought i was staring at her boobs but i wasn't. :-x just the owls!
  • you'll bring a fucked up perspective! shakespeare is full of fucked-up shit. yo.
  • milkshakes are your friend!
  • we can be infected ghosts together!
  • having to pee is a problem that won't go away by itself!
  • that's the best thing i've heard all day.
  • are you sending me a sloth?
  • my sister's old friend had one of those fish and he lived forever and when he was really old one of his eyes fell out but he was okay. he just kept swimming with one eye
  • i have been peeing like Seabiscuit
jan 28 2008 ∞
oct 8 2008 +