- Ruby Sparks
- Inside Llewyn Davis
- About Time
- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
- The Grand Budapest Hotel
- Her
- Drinking Buddies (loved the scene at the end with the food sharing)
- Nobody Walks - some of it. great acting by Olivia Thirlby and John Krasinski, great chemistry, no chemistry whatsoever between mother and daughter, great soundtrack but WEIRD as shit film project they are working on.
- Arranged - such a sweet film with great stories and maybe everything works out a bit too perfectly. but it shows how arranged marriages can work, and also that sometimes you need to push it a little bit in the right direction first.
- great acting in "Man Bites Dog" - all in his face!
- Birdman - steadicam; made to look like it's all one long take
- Clouds of Sils Maria
- LOVED the music in "A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night", and the scene where the two slowly get closer to each other in her bedroom. Greatest scene in a film i've seen in a long time.
feb 18 2014 ∞
jun 2 2015 +