• the office
    • cringe-y humor that is the source of way too many modern memes that will surprise you when you watch it. the humor is definitely not for everyone but the emotional payoff is incredible. a very intelligently written series, diligently following the golden rule 'show, don't tell'.
  • brooklyn nine-nine
    • wholesome buddy cop that has e v e r y t h i n g - humor, drama, romance, friendships, and doggies. does not hesitate at sensitive issues like LGBT and racial discrimination.
  • the good place
    • a serialized comedy series about the afterlife. asks and answers questions about the duality of being a good or a bad person, and how people can change for the better. well-developed characters comprised of a diverse cast within a well-developed universe.
jun 25 2018 ∞
jun 25 2018 +