
  • eye of the needle - arthur/eames; arthur is a tailor and eames is the art buyer for saito's london gallery that commissions him to make him a suit in time to purchase a lost kandinsky.
  • heroes and thieves - arthur/eames; 'mysterious skins' crossover where neil is whisked away by a handsome english stranger after the events of the film and reinvents himself as arthur.
  • limits of my understanding - arthur/eames; au where arthur and eames are both stationed in kenya to work on project somnus. eames is hooked up to the pasiv when the military base is attacked and arthur saves him. for some reason the somnacin compound keeps eames alive as long as he is under so the events of the film occur with him in a dream-induced coma the entire time.
  • rules and regulations - arthur/eames ; crossover with original characters where arthur and eames take a job with a new architect who seems like a dream come true--until his old flame shows up and things start to go up in flames.

x-men: first class (also known as LAND OF ALL THE AUS)

  • je n'ai jamais promis un jardin de roses - charles & cast; charles grows roses to make up for the fact that he was not loved enough during his childhood.
  • untitled catboy!charles - erik/charles; erik rescues a stray cat with shock-blue eyes and a telepathic purr who turns into a sexy young genius at night.
  • untitled doctor who crossover - charles & the doctor; self-explanatory.
  • untitled wuthering heights au with charles as cathy and erik as heathcliff. because it just works.
  • philosophe charles & artiste erik - bohemians during the belle époque, centered around the line "ERIK DRAW ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS--WHY ARE YOU GIVING ME BOOBS"
  • the mentalist au - charles as patrick jane and erik as a renegade theresa lisbon.
  • the boy who waited - based on the dw s6 episode "the girl who waited"; charles is lost in two rivers and erik is prepared to rip time and space apart to get him back.
  • hooker!fic - because there always needs to be more.
  • the parent trap - (aka X-MEN: FIRST CLASS: THE SEQUEL) the bbs scheme to get their divorced(-ish) mutant parents back together and. yup.
  • la jétée - magneto goes back in time to before wwiii to find the man in his only pre-war memory.
  • capulet & montague - guess. fucking. guess.
  • alice in wonderland - because michi is making me.

sherlock (bbc)

  • bang bang bang - SHOTGUNNING!!!! and copious make-outs.
jul 12 2011 ∞
dec 29 2012 +