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Holy Trinity IS Love.

the bug fix

n. the satisfaction of updating software, which gains effortless new features inside the cocoon of the progress bar, whereas your personality—a beta version with compatibility issues, unstable memory and a quirky interface—is open source, trusting peers to collaboratively debug your emotional source code until it’s stable enough for official release into...

  • statements/actions by people that made me smile or laugh, and random situations:
  • mum setting me up with guys on texas hold em poker and in real life in front of them.
  • getting help from community psychologist MR SHUE ;P
  • getting help for my disability from the university
  • getting into radiography
  • meeting Christina Tess Abi and Bec + nursing group
  • that my dad doesn't pity me or worry that I have a mood problem
  • i appreciate the reassurance and positivity in illawarra
  • i appreciate the minister of education having compassion with me and his receptionist
  • when a friend thinks of me out of the blue eg SMS a few nice words
  • when people listen to me and encourage me to express myself
  • when i sprained my ankle and my whole soccer team came to my rescue
  • Nicole Dani and Gie aren't ashamed to be with me, neither are Ty and Ben
  • Nicole: don't let the social anxiety define who you are
  • Postie still gives me advice and accepts me
  • i got encouragement from last radiography and Julia
  • i got well-wishes from Nicole and Ellen's family
  • well-wishes from Erke and Abi at placement
  • Alex D and Dani have been amazing support
  • Being put through an education system and having received the help I did from the teachers I did
  • The opportunities refugees have been given to live
  • wellwishes from centrelink/psychologists/career advisors/general staff
  • the welfare I receive and disability accommodation, voters who care about mental illness in the upcoming election
  • truth is not measured by mass appeal -- Ben
  • i would never talk to them again if they degraded you -- Ben
sep 7 2010 ∞
sep 7 2010 +