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Holy Trinity IS Love.

the bug fix

n. the satisfaction of updating software, which gains effortless new features inside the cocoon of the progress bar, whereas your personality—a beta version with compatibility issues, unstable memory and a quirky interface—is open source, trusting peers to collaboratively debug your emotional source code until it’s stable enough for official release into...

  • forgive me even when I'm being a nightmare.
  • unlimited texts
  • the warmth of the sun and taking a nap under the sun
  • warm food in winter
  • skits
  • other people can open your perspective & make things positive.
  • know you've impacted someone.
  • love when people go along with the odd things I talk about
  • that feeling you get when someone ‘gets you’ and knows where you’re coming from
  • different movies, photography, music, books, short stories, histories, adventures
  • The time, money and resources to integrate people to be educated and involved in recreational activities
  • the chance to have had health education to look after myself
  • that I'm not in a wheelchair
  • my geographical location could be worse and we have a fairly nice home
  • could be caught in natural disaster
  • Being a "loser" makes me know who my true friends are
  • Ben will help out when he sees me upset
  • Family and friends
  • A roof, food and health care
  • safe from war
  • afford health food
  • ben's infamous sleep-ins: "i might as well keep sleeping if i'm already late"
  • dad's milo out of a tin
  • mum's hip hop singing
  • parent's catchphrases
  • afford electricity and warmth
  • not being in pain, and having health care when I need it
  • living in a first world country: never underestimate the power of pure randomness
  • Deploying sensor’s/ communication channels in all corners of the globe and make them accessible to the largest possible amount of people.
  • no segregation
  • no poverty with welfare
  • the positive meaning in my life (which i apply in a positive manner)
  • being appreciated for what i do
  • Despite what you produce, you are adding value
  • Bathing in the early morning sun amongst overcrowded traffic
  • Payday
  • That there's fairwage due to public policy
  • Lunch breaks
  • Can sneak my IPhone and afford internet
  • Workplace Safety Law
  • Gratitude that I Have Work in this World.
  • The Food That Comes With It
  • Laughing at the Drama that is my Job
  • I have Money compared to being a Uni Student
  • Don't have to apply as much effort once it becomes routine (less anxiety worrying if you will learn the work)
  • finding co-workers who share the same interests
  • Less anxiety- Less breakouts- won't be continually assessed and can work independently, the boss doesn't care if you give your life story everyday, in fact they want you to be quiet and just work
  • Getting a job lets your family know you're not a fuck-up
  • More stability
  • There's not as much pressure when working in the real world
  • friends there during celebrations and mourning, my health/education issues
  • caring parents
jun 17 2010 ∞
oct 28 2010 +