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Holy Trinity IS Love.

the bug fix

n. the satisfaction of updating software, which gains effortless new features inside the cocoon of the progress bar, whereas your personality—a beta version with compatibility issues, unstable memory and a quirky interface—is open source, trusting peers to collaboratively debug your emotional source code until it’s stable enough for official release into...

  • lazy sunday, ma kee choot may bhayn kay tuttay monday, tasty tuesday, humpday wednesday, thirsty thursday, fancy friday, catturday saturday.
  • "I keep my listography a secret because this website is too perfect to be spoiled by the masses. "
  • "Come and see how boring my life is! "
  • Procrastinating is my job - thanks Listography
  • "Work on attitude
      • with family/brothers "
  • " I will someday be a "jealous girlfriend."
  • If I don't have any plans, I have no problem staying in my pajamas all day.
  • I am always running late in the mornings.
  • Sometimes I'm late because it feels like a chore just getting out of bed.
  • I'll be able to hiss at people when I'm angry because sometimes that just how I feel.
  • I will wear whatever I want, even if it looks 'dumpy' because sometimes I just don't care.
  • "Does not expect me to be happy twenty-four/seven, all day, everyday."
  • " you work a shitty job everyday to get money to come visit me"
  • " i miss the ridiculous things we used to do and talk about.
  • being abused meant living with a life sentence, carrying that experience with you
  • the fact that i contemplated commiting suicide shattered my integrity
  • "Bored half the time, sleeping the other half :P"
  • when your not able to articulate what's happening you get frustrated and emotional, and guilty about what you do to others too
jun 18 2010 ∞
oct 28 2010 +