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Holy Trinity IS Love.

the bug fix

n. the satisfaction of updating software, which gains effortless new features inside the cocoon of the progress bar, whereas your personality—a beta version with compatibility issues, unstable memory and a quirky interface—is open source, trusting peers to collaboratively debug your emotional source code until it’s stable enough for official release into...

                  • + What's next, self?
                  • + Why do you do the things you do?
                  • + What do you really believe in? (What do you know to be true?)
                  • + Where do you find your security?
                  • + What bothers you, and what are you doing about it?
                  • + What worries you?
                  • + If you had one year left to live, how would you spend it?

- Chris Guillebeau

  • Other professionals:

Where do they learn how to manage people? Where do they learn to construct and manipulate metaphors? Where do they learn to perceive details of a scene the way a hunter reads a landscape? Where do they learn how to detect their own shortcomings? Where do they learn how to put themselves in others’ minds and anticipate others’ reactions?

  • Problems may be obvious, or can be flushed out using trigger questions like the ones below:
      • What would your customers want you to improve?
      • What could they be doing better if we could help them?
      • Who else could we help using our core competences?
      • What small problems do we have which could grow into bigger ones?
      • What slows our work or makes it more difficult? What do we often fail to achieve?
      • How can we improve quality?
      • What are our competitors doing that we could do?
      • What is frustrating and irritating?
  • Min Basadur (who created the Simplex Process) suggests using the question 'Why?' to broaden a question, and 'What's stopping you?' to narrow it.
jun 12 2010 ∞
mar 25 2011 +