- + What's next, self?
- + Why do you do the things you do?
- + What do you really believe in? (What do you know to be true?)
- + Where do you find your security?
- + What bothers you, and what are you doing about it?
- + What worries you?
- + If you had one year left to live, how would you spend it?
- Chris Guillebeau
Where do they learn how to manage people? Where do they learn to construct and manipulate metaphors? Where do they learn to perceive details of a scene the way a hunter reads a landscape? Where do they learn how to detect their own shortcomings? Where do they learn how to put themselves in others’ minds and anticipate others’ reactions?
- Problems may be obvious, or can be flushed out using trigger questions like the ones below:
- What would your customers want you to improve?
- What could they be doing better if we could help them?
- Who else could we help using our core competences?
- What small problems do we have which could grow into bigger ones?
- What slows our work or makes it more difficult? What do we often fail to achieve?
- How can we improve quality?
- What are our competitors doing that we could do?
- What is frustrating and irritating?
- Min Basadur (who created the Simplex Process) suggests using the question 'Why?' to broaden a question, and 'What's stopping you?' to narrow it.