list icon
  • stoicism
  • why do we become obsessed with tv shows or any fictional characters? why do we care so deeply what happens to them? why do we lose ourselves so greatly in the simple structure of actions and events? why do we care? is fiction the new drug? *crowd cheering noises for the very fit headline*
  • how to raise a child or how to care for a baby? what are compassionate ways to raise, nurture, love a child without never ever setting barriers and overshadowing their personality? how to let them be free while educating them and recreating the world with them? how to educate children?
  • what is the content of the aforementioned 'education'? what should we teach a preschool child, let alone the ones being schooled?
  • marriage. all about marriage, what was the first one ever, why are we continuing such neanderthal mating rituals besides for the benefits they grant us legally? are there any benefits at all? can marriage be fun, meaningful, necessary, complementary, compassionate, serene, easy, humanly?
  • escapism. possibly relates to number one on this list. seems too easy as a way out but still...
jan 6 2017 ∞
jan 9 2017 +