Inspired by Mouse's lists of things she liked today. I'd been keeping something similar in my paper notebook, but this might be a better place (baby keeps running off with my pen).
- Huck so cute with his boyish haircut
- Rose's company in the car during Bean's piano lesson
- The Broom of Cowdenknowes--listening to it, singing it, hearing Beanie sing it, working it out on the pennywhistle
- "I don't like a plum spot"
- Bean & Rose so excited about reading Twelfth Night together
- Jane quietly reading Twelfth Night on her own--"It sounded like fun"
- Beanie: "Mom, I fear you have hooked me on Shakespeare!"
- salt water taffy sent by Jay
- got Stevie's glasses fixed
- pleasant workout at the Y, and the little ones had such a good time in the playroom
- leftover bbq chicken & beans for dinner
- the sound of Huck's belly laughs coming from the backyard through my open window right now, and Stevie chuckling