- cigarette burns
- chaptered; angst, pining, nc17; choi seunghyun/kwon jiyong; ao3
- eventually i fall into you
- one-shot; college/uni au, friends to lovers, pg13; jinyoung/yonghee; ao3
- talk me down
- one-shot; domestic fluff, established relationship, comfort, pg; jinyoung/yonghee; ao3
- and they were roommates
- one-shot; roommates, friends to lovers, fluff, pg13; ao3
- which is right (i love, or loved you?)
- one-shot; major character death/coma, angst, pg; bomin/jangjun; ao3
- tea lights
- chaptered; astronomy, fluff, pining, pg13; mark/jackson; ao3
- fetishplay
- chaptered; nc17, LOTS of fetishes; a variety of otps; ao3
- it reminded me of you
- one-shot; fluff; kim mingyu/wen junhui; ao3
- you scared?
- one-shot; canon compliant, anal sex, dirty talk, creampie, hyung kink, coming untouched, cumplay, degradation, nc17; seungcheol/hoshi; ao3
- does the sun live in your face?
- one-shot; fluff, coffee shop!au, pg; hwiyoung/taeyang; ao3
- mimicry
- drabble; cannibalism, horror, r; jonghyun/kibum; lj
- red, orange, yellow, green, even thicker
- drabble; fluff, body image, body worship, r/nc17; ten/kun; ao3
- something new
- one-shot; intercrural sex, consensual somnophilia, nc17; ten/kun; ao3
- slow night
- ptg/nct; one-shot; mafia au, boss/empolyee relationship, pg13; shinwon/johnny; ao3
- love story
- long fic/one-shot; romance, angst; charles xavier/erik lehnsherr; ao3
- of arrows and duct tape
- one-shot; bromance, crack?; wade wilson/clint barton; ao3
- for the record
- one-shot; modern!au, mutant politics, romance, r; charles xavier/erik lehnsherr; ao3
- truth or dare
- oneshot; canon, pg13; todd anderson/neil perry; ao3
- above all else
- one-shot; internalized homophobia, gay/bi awakening, one-sided attraction, g; dimitri/byleth; ao3
- little gold grinding hood and the big bad blue lion
- one-shot; pwp, sexual roleplay, humor, fluff, nc17; dimitri/claude/byleth; ao3
- fawn
- one-shot; pre-time skip, pining, g; dimitri/byleth; ao3
- his, and his alone
- one-shot; post-time skip, jealousy, possessive sex, nc17; dimitri/byleth; ao3
- smooth moves
- one-shot; pov outsider, not actually unrequited love, pre- & post-timeskip, pg13; dimitri/byleth; ao3
- confessions
- one-shot; trans!byleth, first time, masturbation, pwp, nc17; dimitri/byleth; ao3
- can you come on back
- one-shot; post-timeskip, angst, mental instability, pg13; dimitri/byleth; ao3
- worth the effort
- one-shot; post-timeskip, overstimulation, nc17; hilda/marianne; ao3
- some sort of fairytale ending
- one-shot; romance, fluff, angst, pg13; inuyasha/kagome; ao3
- four ways they could have met and the one way they did
- one-shot; different aus, pg13; inuyasha/kagome; ao3
- bats in the belfry
- one-shot; monster au, vampire!marta, werewolf!ransom, pg13/r; marta/ransom; ao3
- spirits and seeds
- one-shot; canon, missing scene, pg13; korra & aang; ao3
mar 3 2017 ∞
aug 11 2024 +