- fancy (hey, i love you)
- one-shot; polyamory, nc17; san/yunho/wooyoung ; ao3
- i want you yeah, i want you
- one-shot; light dom/sub dynamics, degradation, nc17; san/yeosang/hongjoong ; ao3
- this soft space
- one-shot; perversion, canon au, nc17; yunho/hongjoong ; ao3
- pink topaz
- one-shot; dom/sub, nc17; san/hongjoong ; ao3
- smells like teen spirit
- one-shot; polyamory, kink negotiation, double penetration, nc17; yunho/hongjoong/mingi ; ao3
- smeared lipstick, rumpled shirt (it's filthy)
aug 11 2019 ∞ aug 6 2024 +
- five years
- one-shot; romance, angst, friends to lovers, pg13/r; myungsoo/sungyeol ; aff
- when myungsoo's asleep
- one-shot; domestic fluff, pg13; myungsoo/sungyeol ; ao3
- simple gifts
- one-shot; acts of service, unknown relationship, pg13; myungsoo/sungyeol ; ao3
- burden
- one-shot; angst, g; myungsoo-centric ; lj
jul 14 2020 ∞ jul 15 2020 +
chanxing ✦ sekai ✦ kaixing ✦ chankai ✦ baeksoo ✦ other ✦ ot3s
- tell me what to swallow
- one-shot; nc17; baekchen, baekhyun/everyone; lj
- boy you should know what you're falling for
- two-shot; sci-fi, nc17; chanhun; lj
- faking it for a living
- chaptered; angst, romance, humor; krisho, hansoo, xiuchen; ao3
- in the quicksand
- one-shot; nc17; xiulay, past: xiuhan, fanxing; lj
- deceived
- one-shot; nc17; baekchen; lj
- close your eyes (we'll be alright)
sep 6 2018 ∞ jan 6 2020 +
- i cannot get you close enough
- one-shot; fluff, developing relationship, pg13; ao3
- the great puzzle
- one-shot; college au, friends to lovers, pg13; ao3
- something better and more beautiful
- one-shot; canon divergence, developing rship, fluff, pg; ao3
- my baby gets ut just right
- one-shot; college au, domestic fluff, kink negotiation, nc17; ao3
aug 11 2023 ∞ aug 12 2023 +
ot3+ ✦ yujae ✦ johnyu ✦ johnjae ✦ yutae
- the end of days
- one-shot; angst, major character death, NR; jungwoo/sicheng ; ao3
- just confess already
- one-shot; fluff, g; mark/yuta ; ao3
- honey, we're in euphoria
- one-shot; uniform kink, nc17; doyoung/yuta ; ao3
- when it comes to us
- one-shot; college/uni au, abo verse, slow burn, nc17; doyoung/yuta ; ao3
- fading in
- drabble; pining, g; mark/taeyong ; ao3
- lost boys
- drabble; supernatural elements, mild gore..._sicheng/jaehyun, jaehyun/yuta_ ; ao3
sep 3 2018 ∞ aug 11 2024 +
- 2 times younghoon said goodbye and 1 time he didn't
- one-shot; angst, pg13; younghoon/changmin ; ao3
- thunderstorms.
- drabble; fluff, comfort, pg; juyeon/eric ao3
- 4 times juyeon didn't know how to shut eric up and 1 time he did
- one-shot; fluff, pg; juyeon/eric ao3
- pluhmm
- one-shot; college/uni au, fluff, pg13; sunwoo/younghoon ; ao3
- caught up in a dream
- one-shot; nonfamous au, established relationship, nc17; juyeon/eric ao3
- caught up in a dream
sep 7 2020 ∞ sep 26 2020 +
hyunin ✦ jeongchan ✦ jeongsung
- ink stains on my skin
- one-shot; tattoo artist!chan, Felix gets a piercing, teen; chan/felix ; ao3
- the curse of saturdays
- one-shot; college/uni au, strangers to lovers, fake relationship, teen; jisung/minho ; ao3
- you don't have to woo me to bed.
- drabble; canon, platonic cuddling, fluff, not rated; felix/jeongin ; ao3
- crimson kisses
- drabble; vampire au, teen; chan/felix ; ao3
- all i'm thinking about
- one-shot; college/uni au, getting together, E; chan/felix ; ao3
- all i'm thinking about
jul 15 2020 ∞ aug 6 2024 +
- being as in love with you as i am
- one-shot; past character death, reincarnation, pining, soulmates, pg15; changgu/hyunggu ; ao3
- j'ai deux amis qui sont aussi mes amoureux
- two-shot; polyamory, college/uni!au, nc17; wooseok/yuto/hyunggu ; ao3
- we're on fire, babe
- one-shot; pwp, threesome, nc17; wooseok/yuto/hyunggu ; ao3
- in front of love, i'll finally shine
- one-shot; canon complaint, getting together, pg15; yanan/hyunggu ; ao3
- dancers, planes, coffee stains
- one-shot; clumsiness, airplanes, g; yanan/hyunggu ; ao3
- that's no place to nap
aug 10 2019 ∞ oct 8 2019 +
- cigarette burns
- chaptered; angst, pining, nc17; choi seunghyun/kwon jiyong ; ao3
- eventually i fall into you
- one-shot; college/uni au, friends to lovers, pg13; jinyoung/yonghee ; ao3
- talk me down
- one-shot; domestic fluff, established relationship, comfort, pg; jinyoung/yonghee ; ao3
- and they were roommates
- one-shot; roommates, friends to lovers, fluff, pg13; ao3
- which is right (i love, or loved you?)
mar 3 2017 ∞ aug 11 2024 +
!! G is for gore, H for horror, Z for zombies!!
- sell your soul for just a piece
- G, H; one-shot; cannibalism, r; kyungsoo-centric; ao3
- there is a house
- H; chaptered; horror!au, r; jongin-centric, side daehun; lj
- 66
- H; one-shot; psychic!baekhyun, possessed!yifan pg13/15; krisbaek; lj
- hygiene
- G; one-shot; heavily implied death, r; sehun-centric; aff
- built for sin
sep 7 2018 ∞ dec 7 2023 +
- i wanna walk on your wave length
- one-shot; abo verse, nc17; minseok/jongdae ; lj
- mind if i slither in?
- one-shot; tentacles, nc17; sehun/jongin ; ao3
- like satellites and shooting stars, like a star that has seen the sun
- one-shot; tentacles, nc17; baekhyun/kyungsoo ; ao3
- press start to play
- chaptered; video game!au, r (for violence); chanyeol/kyungsoo ; lj
- the stars around us
- one-shot; pwp, nc17; chanyeol/kyungsoo ; ao3
- where giants fall
- one-shot; alien!kyungsoo, neurodivergent!..._baekhyun/kyungsoo_ ao3
mar 7 2020 ∞ mar 8 2020 +
- aquasun
- one-shot; abo verse, age gap, nc17; yifan/yixing ; ao3
- hit me up, buttercup
- one-shot; abo verse, nc17; baekhyun/jongin ; lj
- good for you, good for me
- one-shot; abo verse, alpha!jongin, omega!chanyeol, nc17; chanyeol/jongin ; aff
- xxx and orange flavour
- one-shot; abo verse, ft. xiuyeol, nc17; baekhyun/kyungsoo ; ao3
- can i?
- one-shot; abo verse, nc17; baekhyun/kyungsoo ; ao3
- something called impulse
- one-shot; abo verse, nc17; baekhyun/kyungsoo ao3
- growl for me
may 31 2019 ∞ dec 7 2023 +
- take a seat
- oneshot; tentacle, sounding, nc17; kaisoo; ao3
- mind if i slither in?
- one-shot; sci-fi, tentacles, nc17; sekai; ao3
- like satellites and shooting stars, like a star that has seen the sun
- one-shot; tentacles, sci-fi, nc17; baeksoo; ao3
- shake me babe
- oneshot; tentacles, kink exploration, nc17; baeksoo; ao3
- i wanna walk on your wave length
- one-shot; scifi, abo verse, nc17; xiuchen...lj
sep 7 2018 ∞ jan 6 2020 +