kim namjoon and jeon jeongguk are captains of rival football teams. but the dick wants what it wants.

jeongguk’s winter getaway takes a sudden turn into new territory when he meets an alpha on the train — the first alpha he’s ever met. instead of the quiet and cozy art filled winter holiday he had planned, jeongguk learns more about himself and a world he thought he could never be a part of.

  • golden boy · olympics!au, developing relationship, power bottom!jk

veteran beach volleyball player namjoon gets prodigy jungkook, a smitten fan, as a new teammate.

jungkook is a studio intern. namjoon is another alpha, the famous producer from floor eight. jungkook's instincts don't work around namjoon, but he never meant to let him know.

feb 17 2021 ∞
feb 21 2021 +