True Blood
Prefer the Character Names
- Adele or Lois?
- Adele is such a classy name.
- Amy or Lizzy?
- Hoyt or Jim?
- Unique, but kinda great (Hoyt).
- Jackson or Robert?
- Jackson is very popular, but I dislike Robert.
- Lafayette or Nelsan?
- Very unique, but kinda like.
- Lettie Mae or Adina?
- Usually don't care for nickname-y names.
- Luna or Janina?
- I had a childhood friend named Luna. Cute name.
- Nicole or Jurnee?
- I really don't care for either. Jurnee is just awful.
- Salome or Valentina?
- So-so on both names. I'll choose Salome.
- Truman or Arliss?
- Truman is kinda cool. Arliss is weird.
Prefer the Actor/Actress Names
- Benedict or Mehcad?
- Mehcad; such an awesome name, dislike Benedict.
- Crystal or Lindsay?
- Eddie or Stephen?
- I'm not a great fan of Stephen, prefer it, though.
- Holly or Lauren?
- Jesus or Kevin?
- I don't like either name.
- Marnie or Fiona?
- Maryann or Michelle?
- Nan or Jessica?
- Dislike both. Jessica is less awful.
- Niall or Rutger?
- Rene or Michael?
- Rikki or Kelly?
- I'm not a fan of either, but Rikki is just awful.
- Tommy or Marshall?
- I just don't like the nickname name Tommy.