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I really love film.
More than I love my honda.

"Trouble is a sieve in which we shift our acquaintances, those that are too big to pass through are our friends." -Arlene Francais

lisa travel (memorable locations)
  • one day, I would actually, you know, become an adult. Not so goofy.
  • tone down the always think the grass is greener when you are looking at a superficial level. But, you never REALLY know what is going on inside people's hearts, minds, and lives.
  • Better time manager. Rushing in the morning is not cool anymore.
  • dressing better. Like...actually being a girl and putting together cute outfits. stop looking like you rolled out of bed (hence time management).
  • stop doubting God. When things get stressful/sad/doubtful/wrong/depressing/anxious/etc., I tend to forget that there is something much more bigger and powerful than the present situation and it will work out fine.
  • Stop dwelling in the past. It's the PAST. It is gone. It cannot hurt or affect you anymore.
  • Eating healthy. Hard to do in the film industry.
  • stretch out stress.
  • investing in myself, because I am that awesome of a person.
  • stop believing those lies that one tells themselves.
  • patience. It will come.
  • Calm down.
  • Natural. In all definitions and aspects of the word.
  • Balance. Maintaining it in every area of life.
  • Don't let others make you feel bad about the good choices that you make for yourself.
  • Don't assume that everyone has the same humour as you do. Think before you pull out the big guns.
  • Pick your battles.
  • You can't save everybody...even though you want to. It is impossible. They have to do it for themselves. (and that goes you too, Lemia.)
  • Relax. Not everyone is out to hurt you or show hatred towards you. Stop being defensive.
jan 25 2007 ∞
feb 9 2007 +