I don't curse;I rarely,rarely do it. Actually, I really don't believe in it. So, for me, I have alternatives that I shout out that I think that sounds better than the regular garden variety of interjections.
- Oh, poo!
- Fiddliesticks!
- Heck!
- What on God's Green Earth!?
- Shoot!
- Darn!
- Suck it!
- Dang it!
- Punk!
- grrrr! (while shaking fists)
- That is so wrong!
- Frinkin A!
- what a whackadoo!
- Total Crap!(or B.S.)
- Jesus!
- Good God!
- Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
- Jesus Christ and a Cross!
- MotherBrother! (I say it in a ghettofab way like: Mothabrotha, PLEASE!)