• When you're watching a TV show or movie you happen to enjoy with a friend and this "friend" proceeds to point out inconsistencies with the plot you wouldn't otherwise notice because you wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to this particular show and/or movie (you can't help it -- you LIKE the damn show/movie!). Yeah. You're not being helpful. You're being a jackass. "But... why aren't there ever any guards? I don't understand!" they exclaim. Cue video of me lying awake late at night in a state of unrest repeatedly replaying every bit of your (admittedly, legitimate) observations around and around in my head before officially coming to the sad conclusion that the entire show/movie is now ruined for me. Thank you.
  • When you have to scroll back up on someone's Tumblr user page to click to go to page #2. JUDGING YOU.
  • When you download an album off the internet and you unzip the file... only to find the person has not put the songs in a folder... and all the songs unzip into your downloads folder never to be seen again.
  • For those of you that have to travel this holiday -- especially via airplane -- my sympathies. The last time I found myself in an airport, its security checkpoints were not going to second base (third base? What base IS "not quite fondling"?) with the commuters.
  • So, in accordance with the season and all its cheerful traveling festivities, I present to you two and a half "randomly observed and possibly nonsensical annoyances" about traveling during the holidays and two and a half "randomly observed and possibly nonsensical annoyances" about the joys of dealing with family during the holidays.
  • D
  • One part travel; one part family: When my mom decides to book a flight on Christmas morning. Okay, listen. I love cold weather. Christmas MINUS cold weather is just not Christmas to me. So, obviously, the last thing I want to be doing is flying out to San Antonio, Texas for Christmas... and yet I do it anyway because you force me to I want to spend time with my family. But why WHY?! add insult to injury by forcing me to leave CHRISTMAS DAY?!?! Especially when I have to be up at 3 am to make a 6 am flight.
  • Ungrateful bitch time. The well-honed art of trying to appear delighted when you receive a gift you know you will never use. On the outside, you're hoping your smile is genuine as you exclaim: "Wow. WOW. This is so cool! I can't believe you did this!" While on the inside, you're like: "Really? When the fuck have I EVER expressed any interest in hang gliding, and whose brilliant idea was it to get me free lessons?"
  • No. No, I do not want to play The Bowl Game for the hundredth time this Christmas. Haven't you people ever heard of Home Alone? The Holiday? The Family Stone? Yeah, those are MOVIES. About THE HOLIDAYS. Ones we could easily watch instead of playing a competitive charades game whose rules my grandparents (bless them) can barely keep track of. "No, dad, we're not on part 3 of the game yet! Part 2! Part 2!" O_e;
dec 18 2010 ∞
jun 22 2014 +