• Spiking our iced tea on the way to Martha's Vineyard, and being drunk by 9:30 am on the ferry.
  • Dancing on the roof of Katie's car to African music, being able to see our breath but still sweating like crazy. Collapsing on the pavement and knowing that we were almost out of time.
  • Walking around Princeton, chain-smoking and rediscovering why were friends in the first place. Flirting with the Starbucks barista while they waited for me to get my girly out.
  • Having H.Pas back in my life, even for the smallest time. Going canoeing together, lying on the Battlefield, making him breakfast, going with him to get glasses and passport photos and other silly errands, being toted around like his little sister, being ultimately comfortable even though so much time had passed, missing him.
  • Perfecting my dirty looks so they get the point across.
  • Trying our best to pull an all-nighter so we could go to Louis's at opening and failing in so many ways.
  • Lying in the grass with Chris and talking about life, and love, and God all summer long.
  • My missed connection, that tan scruffy boy who talked to me about spoon homicide and asked me to watch his stuff in the Brown Bookstore, the boy I regret not asking his name and leaving my number tucked in his book. Brown '10, if you read this, call me.
  • Being more nervous for anything with my final evaluation with Drew and then realizing he actually liked me, that he believed in me, and that he really understood me.
  • Recording youtube videos with Akash and Erin and Drew's car.
  • Actually being referred to as the partner in crime of Jamie Adams.
oct 28 2009 ∞
oct 28 2009 +