- Resenha para um show gringo
- MotionCitySoundtrack e All Time Low
- Photoshoot para banda
- Andei de chinelo pela R.Augusta
- Comecei uma dieta balanceada
- Jah rulez.
- Sexy pictures w underwear (@at tumblr)
- Be high inside my room
- Be high at my garage
- Be high at my bathroom
- Be high and make sex
- Have sex w the same guy for 1 month
- A beer bootle castle
- Artistic class {24/05 - 11/07}
- Fugir um final de semana para
- 100% de bolsa na faculdade
- Tirar fotos ' nu artistico '
- Garota - Glinskas
- Garoto - Spyke
- Stay 72 hours w one guy.
- Stay more 72 hour w the same guy.
- Quit the job
- To fix up my camera DSC-H5
- A Canon Rebel XS. {*w*}
- 5 shoes until the year end
- madbull ~vans (01/05)
- Boot ~dad's gift (02/05)
- Alpargata TRI (03/05)
- Ipod toutch 8G ~Bro's gift *-*
- A new cellphone
- Samsung B3310
- Motorola Q11
- LG GT350
- Notebook
- Bass
- Kat Von D book
- Photoshop class {17/09 - 03/12}
- Fashion designer class { 03/10 - 01/12}
- Lose a biggest friend who killed himself :/
- Take all jealous friends of my life
- Zumbie Walk
- Get a american platonic love
- Fotografar show gringo
- Meet Bibity after 6 years
- Passar 3 horas falando no celular o____O
- Voltar a falar com a Ena depois de 3 anos
- Terminar o 1º semestre da facul
- Give up the trauma of corn ice cream
- Watch 130 movies until the year ends
- New hairstyle
- Comer algodão-doce.
feb 8 2011 ∞
dec 31 2011 +