- sleepwalks and sleeptalks
- stitches in my head from huge rock dropped on me as a kid
- appendicitis (1971 - age 11)
- fractured left wrist playing baseball as a kid
- faints a lot, especially when I was a teen
- severe morning sickness when I was pregnant with Grace (1990)
- spent a few days in the hospital
- tubal ligation after Alan was born (1993 - age 33)
- tinnitus
- polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- hypothyroid
- insulin resistant
- double depression
- major depression
- dysthymia
- migraines due to changes in the weather
- supracervical laparoscopic hysterectomy
- transobturator (TOT) bladder lift (2009 - age 48)
- sprained both wrists falling in Puerto Vallarta (2009 - age 49)
- sprained right ankle (2010 - age 50)
mar 5 2010 ∞
jan 15 2011 +