- A - Art of all shapes and sizes
- B - Baby, The Stars Shine Bright
- C - Cafes & coffee shops
- D - Danger
- E - Etiquette - learning exactly how to be a lady and then breaking every rule in the book.
- F - Fairy tales
- G - Graphic novels
- H - High heels
- I - Iced tea
- J - Jazz
- K - Kisses
- L - Lolita lifestyles
- M - Mail. I'm a sucker for letters and packages.
- N - Night-time rain storms
- O - Open minds
- P - Pad Thai
- Q - Questions with more than one answer
- R - Rococo decorating
- S - Soul food
- T - Tarot cards
- U - Ukeleles. I fell in love with them after a boy in my Sophmore film class brought one to class and serenaded students the whole period.
- V - Vintage goods
- W - Whole Foods
- X - Xography
- Y - Yarn
- Z - The zodiac
oct 13 2008 ∞
may 26 2011 +