• What I would buy if I'd been in a fire and lost everything. :-|
  • How can I prepare for a fire? I.e escape plan, storing my photos/documents on a usb or pc at someone else's house etc.
  • What I would pack if I had to leave my house from, a flood or something lol, and could only take one bag.
  • If I had to run away what I would pack.
  • If I had the ability to stop time (and not age of course! haha) what I would do right now.
  • If I suddenly found out I was pregnant and giving birth in the next like, month, what would I do? lol. What plans might I have to put in place? What would change in my life?
  • If the world really did end this year, would I be satisfied with the life I've led? If not, why not?
  • If I had an accident, and broke my legs or something how would I pass my recovery time?
  • What movies are being released this year.
  • ..I like packing.
jan 14 2012 ∞
jan 14 2012 +