In the event of a fire, flood, natural disaster, your house becomes unstable, you have to leave your house in the middle of the night or suddenly for any reason what so ever for a long time, and you had the time to grab a bag, you are going to wish you had..

  • A sturdy rucksack with the following in it:
  • Copies or originals of your birth cirtificate, driving licence, passport, insurancce documents, membership information, work details, car documents and your address book.
  • A torch with batteries.
  • A memory stick with your beloved documents, photos, art work, educational work documents or information, letters etc on.
  • A change of clothes.
  • A pair of pjs.
  • A pair of shoes.
  • A folded down waterproof mack.
  • A hat and/or other warm clothes.
  • A debit card and some cash- notes and change.
  • A bottle of water.
  • Tissues.
  • Hair brush and tie. Perhaps some of that dry shampoo stuff.
  • Basic first aid things such as: savalon, anti-septic cream/wipes/wash, plasters.
  • A few basic personal care items such as: toothbrush, toothpaste, facewipes, wetwipes, sanitary towels (ST's can also be used in first aid as they are sterile).
  • Other personal care items that are personal to you such as your eye glasses, spare contact lenses, and your latest perscription.
  • Spare keys to your house and car.
  • Medication such as: Your own personal medication you use regularly, painkillers, copies of perscriptions.
  • Dry long-life food item/s such as chocolate, crisps, food bars.. something to keep you going.
  • A paper copy of emergency contacts, immediate family, and close friends.
feb 6 2012 ∞
feb 6 2012 +