Shrines/Character Studies
- Bleach: Hitsugaya Toshiro
- Devil May Cry: Dante
- Digimon: Tai and Agumom
- Digimon: TK and Patamon
- Digimon: Angemon
- Final Fantasy: Yang, Sabin, Tifa, Zell and Snow
- Final Fantasy VIII: Ellone Loire
- Final Fantasy XIII: Oerba Dia Vanille
- Final Fantasy XIII-2: Mog
- Legend of Zelda: Gannondorf/Din
- Persona 4: Chie Satonaka
- Rise of the Guardians: Pitch
- Tales of Graces: Asbel Lhant
- Tales of Xillia: Leia Rolando
- Wild Arms: Rudy Roughknight
- The Hobbit: Kili and Fili
- The Hobbit: General series
- Mana Khemia 2: Pepperoni
- Final Fantasy XII: Fran
One Page
- Atelier Ayesha: Nio Altugle
- Avengers: Steve Rogers/Captain America
- Chrono Trigger: Schala Zeal
- Dissidia/Final Fantasy VI: Terra Branford
- Final Fantasy: Leviathan
- Final Fantasy XII: Zalera
- Final Fantasy XII: Gabranth
- Harvest Moon: Kana
- Harvest Moon: Luke
- Hitman Reborn: Superbia Squalo
- Legend of Mana: Dragon Arc
- Persona 3: Elizabeth
- Sailor Moon: Tenoh Haruka/Uranus
- Sailor Moon: Rei and Minako
- Tales of Graces: Richard
- Tales of Symphonia: Undine
- The Last Story: Dagran
- The Last Story: Syrenne
- The Last Story: Yurick
- Trinity Blood: Hugue de Watteau
- Trinity Blood: Noelle Bor
Fire Emblem (One page/shrine)
- Awakening: Lon'qu
- Rekka no Ken: Rath
- Rekka no Ken: Uther
- Sacred Stones: Cormag
- Sacred Stones: Knoll
Team Projects with Snow
- Final Fantasy XIII Series: Caius, Noel, Hope & Snow
Team Project with Todd
Depends if I finish the games
- Heavenly Sword: Nariko
- Pandora's Tower: Aeron and Elena
- Tomb Raider: Lara Croft
- World Map; location claiming rotation
- Velvet Room; Persona claiming rotation
- Campaign against character abuse