• Our mascot. Red Rhinos are a lot cooler than Scarlet Terriers.
  • That you recognized everyone's face when you walked down the hall
  • Morning Meetings. Some memorable ones: The Elephant Sex Lady (She talked to us about Elephants and their sex lives for reasons I do not understand), The Wolf (we had a real live wolf walk around our auditorium), Underground Rap (what??), E. Roper's famous bathroom story, and the one conservative lady that argued with my science teacher over Bush's politics and the war for a good 40 min.
  • Halloween. The sophomores would dress up as Seniors and make fun of them on stage. Unfort. or not so unfort. depending on how you think of it, this was outlawed my senior year.
  • The Campus (we had an amazingly beautiful campus)
  • Faculty kids (there are just no young children in Boston, which is kind of depressing in a way, everyone is just a college student it seems.)
  • Spirit Week and the day we'd go against our rivals during the fall season.
jan 18 2009 ∞
jan 18 2009 +