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  • Start wearing my hair down (I'm always tying it up, it's a self-conscious thing)
  • Remember to floss every day (I usually make brushing my teeth a priority, but flossing is sometimes forgotten)
  • Stop eating Pizza and Burgers so much. Limit to maybe once a week? That's pretty good for a college student
  • Go to the FitRec and work out at least 2 times a week (Ideally I want to go 5 days a week, but 2 is a start)
  • Keep a good skin routine (I need to figure out something that works and stick with it, instead of switching things up all the time)
  • Drink water (I'm one of those people who strangely hates water unless I'm working out)
  • Keep money on my Charlie Card (I'm always letting it get down below the cost for one fare, which means every time I go out with friends, it takes me forever to get on)
  • Be Happier (now here's one that's very vague, but you get what I mean)
dec 30 2008 ∞
dec 30 2008 +