• a scene of a rural gas station - a small bulb on the left corner glows green and illuminates the left side of the floor / gas station walls.
  • "for absolutely no reason, i am on high alert at all times. a l l f i v e s e n s e s. awake. sometimes, "
  • a scene of two boys running down a sidewalk - three headlamps are aligned perfectly with two brisk leaved trees between them. three boys chase with bats chase closely behind the other two, each one has a bright primary color jacket on while the two victims are both wearing secondary colors ((I THINK))
  • *_)*characters**...//
  • based off of colors, buti dont want the colors to be the prime definition of their personalities - just the outfits they wear.
  • RED/ blonde hair, face is covered in facial hair, mexican - style switches between southern cowboy and formal suits. lives on a farm he just found one day. the barn is yellow. the house is made of brick and has a long chimney extending from the top right that is ALWAYS pumping smoke. even whenever RED isnt burning wood, it continues to pump, he cant explain it. just one of those weird thingsz! red likes vampires because he admires the way they drink blood. sometimes he wants 2 try it. crazy thing hes done #1: sacrificed a chicken to drink the blood of. later faked his death because he felt so guilty, using the blood from the chicken. HE HAD TO USE THE CHICKEN SOMEHOW, RIGHT?????? RIGHT???????????
  • .
  • YELLOW / strawberry blonde with curly / very wavy hair 2 the SHOULDERS, big nose, big blue eyes. style - Little Sue picking strawberries in the strawberry field on good days (overalls with some embroidery , pastel dresses) yellow found theirself in a town with nobody else. bakerys with no bakers, icecream shops with no vendors, pet shops with no carers. it was just them.
oct 14 2018 ∞
aug 16 2019 +