• nice, metal drink bottle that isn't too heavy, not too big (don't get pink please, I will cry)
  • Jazz hat, kinda like David Edmundson's, but more of a neutral colour, modern type, and more feminine. IDK I trust all your judgments
  • nice pens that writes well (for notes and exams)
  • thin-tipped/flat 100% red sable hair watercolour brushes (these are quite expensive, so if it's too much don't bother. Even 1 of these will go a looong way pour moi :] )
  • All-Star chucks (not high-tops)
  • Red vs Blue stuff (in case you're going to Austin, Texas)
  • COMING UP WITH A WISHLIST IS HARD. I really don't mind if you don't get me anything. It's about the thought above all else. Even making a collective awesome card will do. :) Actually please get me a card.

Update 14/10/12

  • Speakers, portable or not, IDM (cause you know how feeble the Toshiba speakers are)
  • Fun hats
  • Knitted cardigan/jumper

OH AND ASAP THIS ONE: leather-bound sketchbook (I find leather-bound notebook, contemporary sketchbook...whai no leather-bound sketchbook? So yea, if you see it...C; )

  • LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY AND THE HOBBIT!!! THEY'RE ALL GONNA BE ON SALE SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE. I REALLY REALLY WANT THIS EDITION http://www.fishpond.co.nz/Books/Fellowship-of-Ring-J-R-R-Tolkien-Alan-Lee-Illustrated-by/9780007269709 it has all the original illustrations.
  • Lord of the Rings Sketchbook portfolio (Alan Lee)
  • Nail polish, any colour 'cause I have none (except red and white so...). Preferably not fluoro or pink...
  • mix tape
  • mix tape would be so cool actually
  • and books. I have John Green and Jane Austen, Bleak House, Katherine Mansfield collected stories, Glliver's Travels and Robinson Crusoe. So anything else, really. :)
  • Great Gatsby
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Little Prince en francais :)
  • small brown/black retro shoulder (across body) bag
sep 25 2012 ∞
feb 15 2013 +