
  • Finish "No" series of 6 panels - Drawing Expanded Field - 11/17
  • Paper on Degas' The Tub - Art History - 12/2
  • Science Paper/Project on WMDs - Science & Society - 12/7
  • Sustainability Project - Drawing Expanded Field - 12/8
    • Have Sketches, original essay, pictures of progress and studies. Be prepared to talk about why it's "sustainable"
  • Final reading response - Psych - 12/9
  • Final Exam (optional thanks to current grade) - Psych - 12/9
  • 15-20 minute presentation on contemporary mid-career artist of our choosing (Chloe Piene) - Seminar - 12/13
  • Final portfolio of work - Painting - 12/13
  • Final Exam - Science and Society - 12/14
  • Final Portfolio of work - Figure Drawing - 12/14
  • Portfolio CD and accompanying write up - Drawing Expanded Field - 12/15
    • Finish up all drawings for this
  • Final Exam - Art History - 12/16


General Things to do

  • Talk to Mario about missing class Monday, 11/22 and getting assignments
  • Talk to Dr. Chalky about missing class Tuesday, 11/23 and find out what happens if we miss a quiz
  • Talk to Tomaso about missing painting/drawing and what he needs me to do for those days
  • Get PEX 400 signed - Due at Pre-departure orientation for exchange, Friday, 12/3
  • Talk to Greg about summer class issues - MUST BE DONE THIS WEEK BEFORE THNXGVNG BREAK
  • Trim, fire and glaze pots ASAP
  • Get EVERYTHING settled for London
nov 13 2010 ∞
dec 17 2010 +