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  • if you don't know me personally or ended up on this page by accident, then please leave now
  • likewise, please don't send the information on this page, the rest of my account, or my carrd to anyone else; regardless of intention
  • to those of you who know me irl who may find this...... i would appreciate it if you would not bring up anything you read on these sites unless i do so first
  • almost everything listed here is professionally diagnosed over the course of many years. do not attempt to fakeclaim me or tell me that i'm lying about any of my conditions
  • if you try and educate me on my own conditions in a way which is clearly rude and treating me like i'm stupid then i will not tolerate it. living through it teaches me way more than your ten minute google search ever will
  • do not demonise or infantilise any kind of disorders, especially the ones i have, in front of me
  • there is an unlisted disorder on here that i've had to since remove due to common harassment and fakeclaiming. you can probably figure it out by yourself, but i'm not going to spell it out for you
  • my illness is not your trend. my trauma and bad health is not just a costume you can try on for a month or two
apr 12 2023 ∞
apr 12 2023 +