• 1: SB & Bryan's 5 min things.
  • 2: this
  • 3:"It's not easy to wrap your hands around a God who is evident in all of creation, who when asked for a name says, "I AM." It's not easy to grasp a vision for the world that is a kingdom or an empire bigger than Rome but as small as a mustard seed. This is the God who creates the universe but chooses to be born in a manger. This God continues to pop up in little things like burning bushes, stubborn donkeys, and little kids. And we like it when God feels a little closer to us. We like the possibility that God might even be, as singer Joan Osborne puts it, "one of us...just a stranger on the bus." BUt we also want a God who is at a safe distance "out there". It's a good thing God is bigger than our minds. Floundering in our attempts to wrap our hands around that mysterious God (dare we even utter the name), we are tempted to enshrine that transcendent God in golden calves, golden eagles, or golden crosses (or golden WWJD bracelets) that we can touch and hold and market all over the world. And we like to have a temple where we know we can find God. We ahve a God who enters the world through smallness--a baby refugee, a homeless rabbi, the lillies and the sparrows. We have a God who values the little offering of a couple of coins from a widow over the megacharity of millionaires. We have a God who speaks through little people--a stuttering spokesman named Moses; the stubborn donkey of Balaam; a lying brothel owner named Rahab; an adulterous king named David; a ragtag bunch of disciples who betrayed, doubted, and denied; and a converted terrorist named Paul." -Irresistible Revolution, SHane Claiborne pg 320-321
  • 4: advent conspiracy
  • 5: this article
  • 6:AIDS
  • 7: charlie b
  • 8:relevant mag article
  • 9: this and this
  • 10: o holy night, he is we
  • 11: “For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my deliverance and my honor; my mighty rock, my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is refuge for us.”-- Psalm 62: 5-8
  • 12: rob bell is the bomb
  • 13: tweet pics
  • 14: free veggie tales
  • 15:Photo advent calendar.
  • 16:Prayer request from one of my best friends:

"Hey guys, My roommates good friend from home was drunk driving on saturday night. She just found out a couple hours ago that he had gotten into a car accident and was not wearing his seatbelt. She doesn't know anything more than that, and no one has been able to get into contact with his family to find out any other news. Please pray for her to give her strength and hope while we are about to enter into finals week, and please pray for Chris Hanson, that he is alive and not critically injured. Pray for his family as well, I've heard a lot about them and they are all really great people. UPDATE: I'm pretty sure the friend is alive, but under suicide watch because he talked to another friend saying he didnt want to live and the friend called the hospital. in the car, one kid is paralyzed, another is unidentifiable because of injuries, one is in a coma because she was in the trunk without a seatbelt, and the two are seriously injured...so its not a good situation." So if you could pray for that that would be much appreciated. Love!

nov 27 2010 ∞
dec 27 2010 +