• "sometimes isn't it true that your whole day can be turned around by an apology? or that you think that someone is mad at you, and then they look up at you and smile, and you realize that they were just in their own head, like you're in your own head, (perhaps thinking that someone is mad at you) and it turns out that one smile, or one or two little words, can set the whole motion of your day back on course.

i love when that happens.

no matter which side of the equation i happen to be on." --the author of eyeblog [http://eyebuzzgallery.com/eyeblog/]

  • The U.N. is here in force, but the real united nations are the small NGOs from every corner of the planet that just showed up, flying by the seat of their pants. String their acronyms side by side, and they'd go halfway around the equator. Recite them, and you'd be speaking in tongues.

-- time [http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1953379_1953494_1957366,00.html]

  • "Perhaps this sounds depressing. That is not my intention. This is all normal. There's not a lot to say during breakfast. I mean, you just woke up, ou kno? Nothing has happened. If neither person had an especially weird dream and nobody burned the toast, breakfast is just the time for chewing Cocoa Puffs and/or wishing you were still asleep. But we've been convinced not to think like that. Silence is only supposed to happen as a manifestation of supreme actualization, where both parties are so at peace with their emotional connection that it cannot be expressed through the rudimentary tools of the lexicon; otherwise, silence is proof that the magic is gone and the relationship is over (hence the phrase "we just don't talk anymore"). For those of us who grew up in the media age, the only good silence is the kind described by the hair metal badn Extreme. "More thaan words is all I ever needed you to show, " explained Gary Cherone on the Pornograffiti album. "Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me, cause I'd already know". This is the difference between art and life: In art, not talking is never an extension of having nothing to say; not talking always means something. And now that art and life have become completely interchangeable, we're forced to live inside the acoustic power chords of Nuno Bettencourt, even if most of us don't necessarily know who the fuck Nuno Bettencourt is."--Chuck Klosterman, pg 7-8 Sex, Drugs & Cocoa Puffs
  • "Things have been tough lately for dreamers. They say dreaming is dead, no one does it anymore. It’s not dead it’s just that it’s been forgotten, removed from our language. Nobody teaches it so nobody knows it exists. The dreamer is banished to obscurity. Well, I’m trying to change all that, and I hope you are too. By dreaming, every day. Dreaming with our hands and dreaming with our minds. Our planet is facing the greatest problems it’s ever faced, ever. So whatever you do, don’t be bored, this is absolutely the most exciting time we could have possibly hoped to be alive. And things are just starting."

-from this [http://www.flickr.com/photos/batterypower/3405877734/]

  • ""I had a thought tonight. I was thinking about love and how foolish it is to allow most of your happiness to depend on its presence or lack. I’m sure it’s wonderful. I understand the ache for it, I do. But how can you let your personal happiness depend so much on someone else’s actions? This is your journey and no one else’s and if they happen to converge for a bit, well then that’s beautiful. But what if they depart? If you spend your days waiting for the person, the love, to make you happy, are you prepared to give up that happiness if it doesn’t work out?

I believe in love. I hope for love. But tonight I had a thought that I want to be happy whether I’m alone or there’s someone next to me. I want my personal happiness to run so deep that nothing can disturb it. I want my happiness to be an undeniable part of me. Love comes and goes but I’m not willing to have my happiness be so fleeting; the world is just too beautiful and life too short to waste any of it being made miserable by circumstance."-la joie de vivre

  • "Watermelon for breakfast.

Watermelon for lunch. Watermelon for dinner. Watermelon for any daytime or nighttime snack."-c.keith

  • I operate below the surface, meaning I like to dig in and talk about THINGS. Too much information? Never. Not wiht me. I want to really know the people that come into my life. I want to be a safe place for them, so that they allow me in. And I am a lot of the time, and they do a lot of the time. I think it is what allows me to take the photographs I take. A lot of people feel safe with me. The problem is, I don't often give myself the same safety net of myself. I have operated most of my life perpetually worried about how I come across. How others see me. I have obsessed for hours after a party about the things I have said or not said. ..........I have put others over myself and my own opinions and thoughts more times than I can count.......I have always tragically walked the line of being extremely confident in who I am, to doubting every single little thing I have ever thought." --excerpt from tara whitney's post


jan 10 2010 ∞
jan 30 2011 +