• happy: explores what actually lifts our spirits; the bracingly honest interviews w/ people from Tokyo t Denmark to Louisiana offer surprising insights that honestly could change your life.
  • Love etc.: follows 5 couples in NYC
  • Touching the Void: mountain climbing in peru
  • The September Issue--reveals how Vogue editors create the mag
  • Surfwise--a couple who goes off the grid to drive their 9 kids around in a camper and surf all day
  • Man on Wire: French tightrope walkers
  • Deep water: amateur sailor who enters a solo race around the world
  • Seven Up--14 English schoolchildren when they were 7, every 7 years the filmmaker releases a new documentary that checks in on their lives (they're now 53)
  • Autism: The musical: 5 autistic children as they rehearse for a musical
  • Hoop Dreams??
  • Young at heart: about old people in a choir that sings rock music
  • Murderball??
  • Exit Through the Gift Shop
  • Please vote for me: about 3rd graders in china running for hall monitor
  • Fat Sick & Nearly Dead: juicing movie essentially
oct 13 2012 ∞
jan 5 2013 +