• Possible Artworks:
  • Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson, Portrait of Mlle. Lange as Danae, 1799
      • satirical portrait, lange was a talented actress, got her portrait painted, didnt like it and refused to pay, insisted it would be removed from the salon, he repainted it in satire, to defame her, "Danae was one of the mortals loved by the Greek god Zeus, who transformed himself into a shower of gold and fell upon her. Girodet shows Miss Lange greedily catching the gold coins
      • turkey wearing a wedding ring represents a man the actress married for his fortune.
      • The cracked mirror denotes her inability to see herself as Girodet saw her—a vain, adulterous, and avaricious woman."
    • little girl looking out at the audience like "can you believe this"
      • bottom of the painting there is a scroll of a script and its burning-signifying her career as an actress being over and ruined
      • skull at the bottom and there are no eyes but one of the gold coins fell into one of them
      • a gold thing hits the dove which makes it bleed--dove= love, with the riches you cant have love? married for gold instead of love, is a whore?/ infidelity??
      • cite this --for all the general info that you got about this haha, the background story etc.
      • cite this -- all the info about the little square things around the outside,
    • Johann Georg Platzer, The Pleasures of the Seasons: Spring,1730.
      • the people in this painting are obviously rich, and are all very happy, kind of an overly fake, exaggerated happy--represents that they don't pay any attention to the underclass
      • the style is super decorative and artificial, much like the decorating of the era
      • love, gardens, minstrels, etc
      • the people in the middle seem like John & Glen, frolicing not neccessarily paying attention to anyone else,
      • the lovers in the corner go with the theme that everyone is getting it on, they are in the corner so they are somewhat secretive, but the musicians are sitting right over them and clearly looking on, letting them know that they do know, (possibly servants, dressed less nicely)
    • other woman from the other side of the whole painting is also leaning over to find out who is kissing,
  • Movie:
apr 20 2010 ∞
apr 23 2010 +