Saying first names is weird but I'm getting used to it a little more everyday.. just like I'm getting used to not seeing Andrews.. not talking to him.. not thinking of him. Everything is happening so fast. One month ago I was sitting in this very spot crying, devastated. Today I woke up in a strange place with a different person. I have the urge to write about all these things.

I don't want to believe Andrews broke my heart. I don't want to be brokenhearted again, I don't want to admit that I let him occupy a big enough space in my heart to do that kind of damage. He's a coward for not saying goodbye. Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware that I have my own shortcomings.. I constantly started arguments and I talked to much. But he sucks. He just plain sucks. Ugh I want to write more but I can't right now.. Still hungover and still mad.

nov 27 2016 ∞
jan 8 2017 +