user image

Just a general set of ground rules for the purposes of, like, transparency and stuff.

Expect frequent despair/depression spirals, especially of the "what is the point of trying" sort.

Yes, I have Discord. No, I don't casually give it out. You have to Earn my Discord info.

dani Art n what not
  • 37 years old
  • She/Her , but kinda don't care
  • Italian/Japanese/Misc White
  • Christian
  • Gray/Demi Aro/Ace , but enjoy fictional relationships (nsfw fine provided it's tasteful)
  • Not diagnosed but most likely suffering from some level of Autism , and ADHD with severe RSD breakdowns

I tightly curate my social media spaces. I generally try to avoid retweet/reblog-heavy blogs. Please don't be offended if I don't do follow-backs.

The world is allergic to the idea of giving me credit for anything where it's due and that really makes me question why I even do anything if people are just going to ignore me and then claim my efforts as their own, lol

aug 27 2021 ∞
may 24 2023 +

I like to remain upfront about being Christian to avoid awkwardness from people assuming I am not one because of my interests and general habits towards tolerating or even supporting things a lot of mainstream 'Christians' violently condemn. I try to be open and accepting of other peoples' beliefs, preferences, self-identity, etc. provided they are not using them as excuses to harm others.

  • Automatically shoehorning me in with bigots, or taking broad "all Christians are bad" strokes in my general vicinity is a great way to get me to avoid you.
  • Trying to argue with me why you disagree with my beliefs is a great way to get blocked.

To reiterate the post that got buried on Twitter:

  • Given the nature of social media and the ...
aug 27 2021 ∞
jan 17 2022 +
aug 27 2021 ∞
apr 22 2023 +

Feeling alone in a crowded room, trying to wade back in.

Twitter engagement destruction from Stinky Tesla Man ruining it in favor of people who pay him, plus a deep paranoia that people are ignoring me on purpose because someone might be quietly upset with me/secretly telling people to avoid me is making it hard to exist in the MM space, so I need a bit of distance to heal.

Sore spot fandoms that I'd rather not discuss - MLP, Undertale, Terraria (yes, I know, it's sad)

  • This doesn't mean I refuse to talk about/are offended by them, but I am generally burned out by their communities and will only talk about them with close friends.
aug 27 2021 ∞
jun 1 2023 +

While I may from time to time engage with Japanese community members, especially on Twitter, my own content will only ever be in English because I am too reliant on translators.

  • That said, I don't mind if non-English users want to contact me in their own language. My responses might just look silly because I don't know how accurate online translators are.
  • I primarily cross-reference between DeepL (for Japanese) and Google (prefer DeepL, but sometimes it has fits).
jan 17 2022 ∞
jan 17 2022 +
  • if I misgender you, and let me know what you would prefer
  • if I get your name wrong , also correct me
  • if you need anything tagged (and specify how; mostly applicable to Tumblr as Twitter is not really that good for it)
  • if I make you uncomfortable with anything (immediately!) (mainly for DM interactions; if I post something you don't like, you should probably just unfollow me, lol)
  • if I'm being irritating or otherwise obnoxious and attention-hogging (again, more of a DM thing)
aug 27 2021 ∞
jan 17 2022 +

If you're blocked on Twitter I kinda feel like you wouldn't be here. I mostly only block cr*pto spam or extremely toxic people I find in Obvious Troll Threads so that anyone in them will never see my content casually in passing.

If you're blocked on Tumblr it's because there's no Mute function there to filter abrasive content that I don't feel like engaging over beyond just wanting to stop seeing it. I also block collection/inspo blogs that reblog my art because I'm super tired of asking people to stop treating my work like clip-art.

If you think you don't deserve being blocked, get over it and move on with your life; you'll be happier pretending I don't exist than being angry about me being too tired to deal with people who say things that make me mad. Life's too short.

jul 4 2022 ∞
jul 4 2022 +
  • I don't take requests . I may ask for suggestions if people are mature about it.
  • Please don't drop OC refs into my art threads thinking you'll 'inspire' me to draw them.
  • If I draw something for somebody, I do so because I want to, not because I want reciprocation. Please don't try to guilt me into unsolicited trades.
    • While I'll never turn down gift art ( I treasure it a lot ), please do not draw things for me if you are only doing so hoping to curry favor for return art .
  • Please do not approach me in general if getting art is your primary goal . I have had bad past experiences with people doing this. Trying to get too friendly too quickly is usually a red flag for me, so please understand if I start off DMs in a relatively reserved state.
  • Please no "This reminds me of..." comments... I'm tired of them.
aug 27 2021 ∞
jun 1 2023 +

While I am 37, I tend to be fairly reserved in public spaces online and do not post explicit NSFW (though may make the occasional mildly suggestive joke). However - and you have probably noticed this - my art does tend to trend towards things like gore (lately mostly of a robotic variety) and/or body horror

  • I do not mind interacting with minors over age-appropriate content, but understand that if you are one, I will not be as open and comfortable with you.
  • If you do not share your age openly, I will assume you are a minor.
  • If I catch you lying about your age, I will block you.

I would really rather not have to put a no-under-18 restriction on my public presence over rare joking content, but if anyone catches minors interacting with those jokes inappropriately and I do not catch it, please let me know so I can take the ...

aug 27 2021 ∞
may 26 2023 +

I try to be accepting of shipping but would rather avoid public discourse on it.

  • DO NOT INTERACT if your ships involve minors or incest .
  • While I do not outright condemn hateships , I also do not support them. They are usually... unhealthy, to put it lightly. However, what may be considered a hateship in one person's headcanon may not be in another's ; it all comes down to how the relationship is presented and written. Also applies to questionably unhealthy crackships or bulk shipping like there's some kind of quota to fill. I'm not saying these things are inherently wrong , but they make me uncomfortable.
  • Totally cool with MLM, WLW, etc. as long as it's healthy and consensual
  • I engage with NSFW on my own terms. I do not mind it but please don't approach me with it if we are not already on good, trusting terms with one another.
aug 27 2021 ∞
mar 31 2023 +