• replace this sample text with your list
  • uhhhhhhhhh
  • fuckin english homework
  • this is a good alternative to that shit
  • how have your weekends and days been?
  • i am an absentee sibling,partner in crime, homie,personal physician,sad panda and friend.
  • i am all too aware of this travesty
  • i was forced to cruise around glendale with the pee and em and i realized how much i missed mar 28 2010
  • ju member?
  • we had some mixed berry pie and cran cran juice
  • we also tried to play golf
  • than we had a very serious moonlit conversations
  • i cherish that conversation alot
  • its just for me
  • i just mediafire'd some regina spektor
  • its the only way i could i write you a list
  • there must be some regina spektor as amiance music
  • i gave your old "fuck life" cd a listen the other night(of course)
  • i was saddened by the world around me(of course)
  • hell i might hit it up on the walkman tonight
  • shits got me down, love
  • to the contrary, i hope you are happy
  • im pretty sure just used "to the contrary" wrongly
  • but,
  • i digress
  • shit is weird up in my head
  • i hope you enjoyed immersion
  • it sounded fun
  • i kinda regret not going
  • night school is even more of a bitch than mrs combes is
  • i wish it was '10 again
  • do you?
  • maybe we could both go back in time and like fix shit
  • what would you do differently?
  • i surely know what i would do
  • where have you been all my life?
  • what music you listenin to at the moment?
  • it seems like this summer me you and chris all listened to the same music
  • we'd just be in the car
  • or in very various other locations listening to music via the speakers
  • damn
  • this summer
  • uhhhhh
  • id do alot of things to relive it
  • please hate me very soon
  • it is only just
  • im a basterd
  • leaving you and the krue like that
  • i miss ju guys alot
  • im pretty fuckin sad
  • but i shouldnt be
  • outwardly, im fine
  • its all internal
  • its all in the sadistic cesspool that is mah brain
  • turkish golds....yucas.....jack mcbrayer.....
  • random shit?
  • who'd uh thought?
  • i never foresaw anything like that happening
  • i still really cherish that as well
  • i much rather have this conversation in person
  • please tell me if i shouldnt bring this up anymore
  • you should call me
  • i spend my nights alone
  • im in much need of a 2 am phone conversation
  • i'll do everything in my power to hang out with you afterschool one of these days
  • regina spektor is now playing
  • and i looked upon it and said "its fuckin cool"
  • hows m__nsh_ne?
  • ever since that night i went back on facebook it has haunted me even more
  • i started think about all that and i thinks thats what bummed me out
  • either that or i have some weird condition in which i always get depressed during the late winter/early spring
  • why dont we talk?
  • i missed you last week during band
  • i had no one 2 speak with
  • i was alll alone and combesy made fun of me on friday
  • it was bad cause the whole fucking class laughed at me
    • +you not there=sad sad sad, endangered panda
  • i should be doing productive things
  • im surprisingly passing all my classes at the moment
  • my parents have layed off me a little bit
  • "Us-Regina Spektor"
    • ahhhhhh
  • i saw a picture of me wearing the mannigan
  • i miss it kinda
  • was it really that ridiculous that i wore a cardigan
  • chris lee made fun of me and it
  • i wonder waht you're doing eactly right now
  • it is 1216 am
  • probs sleeping
  • im creepy
  • sorry
  • my dad thinks i need psychological help
  • i think im going to become a schizophrenic
  • i dont know why
  • i just got a feeling
    • not a black eyed pees reference
    • you know i hate them and that song
    • and i know you love them so my hatred is lessened
  • what was that animal collective song you played the other day when we smoked before band?
  • it was fucking amazing i remember
  • yo
  • you should abandon ship
  • catch me?
  • probably not
  • i _ n't w_rth th w_ _t
  • hope you are constantly filled wth joy,tranquility, zestyness, sunshine and mellowness
  • i'll talk to when i talk you addison
  • till then
  • keep ya head up
  • you don't love me
mar 7 2011 ∞
mar 7 2011 +