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  • There is no tragedy like the tragedy of the unopened gift. ("It's as if I've lived half my life waiting for life to begin, thinking it's somewhere off in the future.")
  • Comparison will lead to pride and a false sense of superiority if I'm ahead of someone, and misery if I'm behind. Or worse, I will discount and bury the irreplaceable treasure that the Lord of the Gift has given to me alone.
  • God will not ask, "What did you do with what you didn't have?" He will instead ask, "What did you do with what you had?"
  • It is only in the process of accepting and solving problems that our ability to think creatively is enhanced, our persistence is strengthened, and our self-confidence is deepened. If someone gives me the answers, I may get a good score on a test, but I will not have grown.
  • Imagine watching all that God might have done in your life if you had let Him.
  • I know that as long as I'm living, it's not too late--because I have this day.
  • Ask God for commands, not guarantees, because when God commands, He enables.
  • "You have been trustworthy in a few things. Now I will put you in charge of many things."
apr 29 2010 ∞
apr 29 2010 +