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  • God generally helps people's faith grow by asking them to take the first step.
  • It usually begins by my acting in faith--trusting God enough to take a step of obedience. Simply acknowledging information about his power is not enough. I have to get my feet wet.
  • Never try to have more faith--just get to know God better. And because God is faithful, the better you know about Him, the more you will trust Him.
    the way to get to know his trustworthiness is to risk obeying Him.
  • How much faith do I need? Not a feeling of certainty. Just enough to take a step. ;)
  • "Without faith, it is impossible to please God."
  • You need to get out of the boat (spiritual comfort zone) a little everyday. Begin the day by asking God for wisdom where you need to get your feet wet that day.
  • "Ask whatever you will in my name, and you shall receive it." - Jesus
  • Walking on the water is not about some great thing you will do. In fact, by yourself you can nothing of lasting value. It is about what God longs to do with you by his power and grace. But first you have to get your feet wet.
may 1 2010 ∞
may 1 2010 +